The origin of "The Pambis Challenge", also known as "AguaWizzard" comes from the original post of Sir. Acthos Arouris, a mysterious mind-controller and space-bender who's current whereabouts are unknown to the human race. There are rumours that his ancestors are originated from the Belt Of Orion, but nothing has yet been confirmed...
The genius behind this new internet Trend is Dr. Lillis, a coroner and researcher who's work is supposed to change the human nature. Following the example of Sir. Acthos Arouris, Dr. Lillis named this ingenious concept as "The Pambis Challenge" and posted his version of the mighty "AguaWizzard" which is as follows:
Here's the original first picture of "The Pambis Challenge"
The genius behind this new internet Trend is Dr. Lillis, a coroner and researcher who's work is supposed to change the human nature. Following the example of Sir. Acthos Arouris, Dr. Lillis named this ingenious concept as "The Pambis Challenge" and posted his version of the mighty "AguaWizzard" which is as follows:
After the official announcement of the new trend, the final seal on this declaration came by Warlord "KoukoumAxe" a direct descendant of the Norwegian Vikings. His bloodline is rumoured to originated from Warfather Odin.
And this is how the story started...
Είναι υποχρέωση μας να ακολουθήσουμε το #thepambischallenge αν θέλουμε αυτός ο τόπος να προοδεύσει πολιτιστικά . Στηρίζουμε με σθένος την εκστρατεία αυτή παίρνοντας δύναμη και θάρρος απο τον αρχικό #aguawizard !
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